ÉSIS Student Research
ISI5307 Research and Evaluation in Information Studies
Moving classes online
Our research methods course ISI5307 at the University of Ottawa School of Information Studies moved fully online in March 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The course was already partially online, so our professor was ready to move quickly. We decided to create a website and that, instead of presenting our individual research proposals via video conferencing, we would blog about them.
During the semester we learned how to come up with research questions, how to choose the appropriate methodology and how to conduct lit reviews. Our final project is to create a complete research proposal on a Library and Information Science (LIS) topic of our choice. If you are interested, you can find the ISI5307 syllabus here.
If you are a LIS student, teacher, or librarian, or just interested in our proposals, we would love for you to leave some comments on our blog or get in touch by using the course code hashtag #ISI5307 on Twitter. If you want to know who we are, have a look at the Who We Are page.