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Our Research

Information science research proposals developed by ÉSIS students

Read the blog posts where we present the research questions and methodology of our research projects below. You can read all blog posts or select only those in English or French.


If you have suggestions on how to improve our methodology, relevant literature or any other ideas to make our proposals better, we would love to hear from you in the comments. Please also feel free to share the blog or individual posts on social media by using the course code hashtag #ISI5307. Thank you!

Enquête en milieu carcéral

La place des bibliothèques dans la vie carcérale. Une étude portant sur le droit d’accès à l’information dans les prisons : comparaison...

Metrics Literacies

Scholarly metrics are widely applied in academia, but often inappropriately so. Metrics literacies are needed to reduce misuse of metrics.

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